8 June 2012

Attention! Pill with PMMA + MDMA

For the first time in Switzerland, our colleagues from Zurich have organised a XTC pill analysed, which in addition to MDMA also PMMA contained. The effective dose of PMMA is lower than that of MDMA and the effect sets in later. Due to the absence of the expected psychological effect, there is a risk that it will be topped up. PMMA is converted to PMA in the body and leads to an increase in blood pressure and a sharp rise in temperature with excessive sweating. In high doses, the very sharp rise in body temperature can also lead to organ failure with fatal consequences. Further information on PMA you will find here.

You can find detailed information about this pill at Safer Party here.

We strongly advise against taking these pills!


Also checkit! last analysed 12 pills purchased as XTC containing PMA (and 8 other substances) in March 2012! You can find more information about these pills here.