About checkit!
More than 20 years of checkit!
What can you expect at checkit!
All services are provided on an equal footing. You decide whether you want to take advantage of counselling and we support you in reflecting on your use and are available to provide non-judgemental and neutral information on psychoactive substances.
All checkit! services can be used anonymously, confidentially and free of charge. As the addiction prevention division of Suchthilfe Wien GgmbH, the mission statement of Suchthilfe Wien also forms the basis of our work. Mission statement - Suchthilfe Wien gGmbH
We look forward to getting to know you!
Contact us
Would you like to make an appointment for a personal information or counselling session? Here you can find our Counselling services.
Would you like to book a workshop on risk competence and substance use? Would you like to order information material? Then please contact our office.
Monday-Friday: 10 am - 3 pm
Telephone: 01 / 4000 53650
e-mail: checkit@suchthilfe.at
The checkit! team

Bettina Hölblinger
Head of Addiction Prevention checkit!

Anton Luf
Project manager checkit! at KILM

Katharina Sturm
Team leader homebase and counsellor

Alexandra Karden
Research and evaluation

Florian Eichberger
Event coordinator and counsellor

Steve Müller

Katharina Fidesser

Diana Kufner-Eger

Gregor Bader

Regina Gappmaier

Manfred De Pari

Martin Feigl
Legal advisor

Franziska Obkircher
Coordinator Peer Projects

Lea Spohr
Coordinator Peer Projects

Stefan Hauser

Sabine Pecharda

Tiam Ghorab
Research and evaluation

Matthias Seidl

Jorge Ricci

Kerstin Zeilinger
Coordination of peer projects

Birgit Krist

Alexander Lantzberg
Laboratory staff

Simona Aigner
Laboratory staff

Nika Schoof

Emily Auer

Michael Hiesinger

Klara Holzinger

Armin Schönberg

Lea Petrzalka

Sonja Staudinger

Michelle Pirstnig
Laboratory staff

Theresa Binder
Courier service

checkit! event team

History of addiction prevention:
checkit! and peer projects
1997 Integrated drug checking at events (event support)
The scientific research project checkit! was founded in cooperation with the clinical toxicological laboratory of the Medical University of Vienna. At clubbings, events and parties, so-called recreational drug users have been offered the opportunity to have their psychoactive substances analysed free of charge and anonymously approximately once a month since 1997 and to receive information and advice. The aim of Integrated Drug Checking is not only to prevent damage to health in connection with the consumption of psychoactive substances (risk - harm reduction), but also to promote a consumption-critical, self-responsible attitude. It also provides insights into the substance market and research.
2000 Start Online counselling and telephone counselling
In order to be able to ask questions anonymously and confidentially outside of an event or to access counselling, checkit! was one of the first institutions in Vienna to specialise in offering psychosocial counselling via a web-based counselling tool. The many years of expertise in this field were published in the "Standards for online counselling". In addition to the online service, information and counselling can also be obtained by telephone.
2007 The checkit! homebase opens
In 2006, the checkit! homebase was opened. The existing range of services (event support, online counselling and telephone counselling) was thus expanded to include personal counselling. Counselling afternoons without an appointment, personal counselling in a group setting and a separate legal advice service rounded off the range of services and expanded the range of event support. Since 2007, specialist training courses and presentations have been held for specialist staff as well as workshops for school classes and youth centres.
2008 Start of peer projects / addiction prevention and switch to Suchthilfe Wien
In 2008, programmes in the area of alcohol addiction prevention are included as a focal point. The peer project PartyFit! from the Institute for Addiction Prevention is launched and checkit! is commissioned with the operational implementation based on its many years of experience in the event sector. The PartyFit! peers, who are specially trained by checkit! peers, who are specially trained by checkit! staff, come into contact with teenagers and young people at events. In 2013, another peer project was entrusted to Suchthilfe Wien: VOLLFAN statt vollfett was a co-operation with Wiener Austria, SK Rapid Wien and the Institute for Addiction Prevention Vienna. The aim was to promote responsible and low-risk alcohol consumption on the football pitch. Due to the enormous growth in prevention programmes, with the transfer of the Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte to the Suchthilfe Wien gGmbH, a separate division, Addiction prevention, was created within the Suchthilfe Wien . In 2018 VOLLFAN became rAUSchZEIT! and the programme has been adapted for public spaces. rAUSchZEIT! was developed by peers and is based on the previous project "Vollfan statt voll fett". The new programme informs young people aged between 15 and 30 about alcohol and provides information about addiction in general. The responsible use of alcohol is promoted among teenagers and young adults in a leisure and sports setting using a peer-to-peer approach.
2019 Start of stationary drug checking
In response to a changing party and celebration culture, changes in the substance markets, digitalisation including online markets and the emergence of new consumer groups, the drug checking service offered by checkit! will be expanded in 2019. From December, in addition to the offer at events stationary drug checking in our hombase coupled with information and counselling is offered. This possibility of drug checking in the homebase means that a larger number of different people can be reached, new substances, patterns of use and consumer groups can be responded to promptly and services can be further adapted.
2020 Start of drug checking via participating pharmacies
The Integrated Drug Checking service was further expanded in 2020. From now on, it is possible to submit substance samples for analysis in a separate box in certain pharmacies after prior registration via an online tool. Analysis information and advice is provided by checkit! counsellors.
In 2021, the homebase continues to grow and gets a new look. The team of advisors is expanding and, in addition to the homepage and Facebook presence, the online channels are being expanded to include Instagram.
All checkit! services are continuously evaluated, adapted and expanded. The checkit! laboratory is also constantly working on the further development of methods for analysing substances. Checkit! is also regularly involved in various EU projects, congresses and conferences. You can find out more here.
The area of addiction prevention has been growing for over 25 years, and this is only possible thanks to all the employees who have supported checkit! over the years.