Drug Checking
Dates, warnings and methods

Drug checking for consumers at the home base

Drug checking for consumers at the home base
- Appointments take place on Mondays between 16:15-18:30 and Fridays between 13:45-15:45.
- Book an appointment via our Booking tool. The appointments are activated for booking every 15 minutes one week in advance.
- Only one appointment per person per week can be reserved. You can hand in two substances.
- The appointment lasts approx. 30 minutes.
- If you hand in a powder, mix it well before dispensing so that the ingredients are distributed as evenly as possible.
- If you want to have pills tested and can no longer get an appointment, you can also call us for special appointments.
⚠ If you are unable to keep your appointment, please cancel (by phone or via the link in your confirmation email) so that the appointment can be rescheduled ⚠

Drug checking for consumers via certain pharmacies

Drug checking for consumers via certain pharmacies

Registering a sample online
Enter informations about the sample ▪️ HERE ▪️ The sample codes will be activated in the night from Wednesday to Thursday at 00:00.
You will then get a a unique sample code for each sample. You will need this for packing the sample and to anonymously query your results!
You can submit a maximum of 2 samples per week.
- Tablets/pills: can only be handed in at the homebase If you have any questions, please contact our counsellors
- plant material (Exceptions: Cannabis if synthetic cannabinoids are suspected --> please contact us in advance)
- Medication (Exception: without prescription online/from the black market, e.g. benzodiazepines on the darknet)
- Anabolic steroids, steroids, supplements
- Samples that arrive by mailwill be destroyed for legal reasons

Packing the sample
Powder : mix it well. For the analysis we need: 15mg powder or a half trip (cut diagonally) or for liquid LSD, GBL and GHB exactly 3 drops. Make sure that the container is tightly sealed.
At the checkit boxes in the pharmacies you can get a free sample tube with which your samples are ideally packaged. Alternatively, you can pack your sample in a small paper envelope, wrap it in aluminium foil and put it in a small bag.
Put the packaged sample in an envelope and seal well (use 2 envelopes for 2 samples). Seal each envelope and label it with the nine-digit code .

Handing in
Place the packed sample in a checkit! box. This is located in the sales area of the pharmacies. You can find a description of the location here. If you have any questions, please contact checkit directly!. Pharmacies are only dispensing centres!
- 9th districtAuge Gottes Apotheke, Nußdorfer Straße 79, 1090 Vienna (U6 Nußdorfer Straße)
- 12th districtApotheke zum Heiligen Joseph, Rechte Wienzeile 207, 1120 Vienna (U4/U6 Längenfeldgasse)
- 20th districtAllerheiligen Apotheke, Allerheiligenplatz 4, 1200 Vienna (U6 Dresdner Straße)

Request analysis result
If you submit your sample by Monday 08:00 in the morning, your result will normally be available on the following Thursday. You can use the sample code to request your result anonymously.
The quickest and easiest way to do this is Thursdays between 3 and 5 p.m. :
- By telephone under 01 4000 53655 or
- Personally - just drop by at the homebase (Gumpendorfer Straße 8, 1060 Vienna)
If it is not possible for you at this time, you can also reach us by telephone at the following Telephone counselling times. Or you can send us a message with your sample code via our encrypted online counselling platform. We try to answer your message as soon as possible (within 1-2 working days), but in exceptional cases, or if your result is not yet available, it may take longer.

Clarify further questions and use personalised advice
If you have any questions about substances and consumption, we are happy to help: information & advice by phone and online.
Everything is anonymous, free of charge and confidential!

Query result

Query result
We will normally receive your result the following Thursday (please note that it takes at least two weeks to analyse cannabis samples).
The quickest and easiest way to check your result is Thursdays between 3 and 5 p.m. :
- By telephone under 01 4000 53655 or
- Personally - just drop by at the homebase (Gumpendorfer Straße 8, 1060 Vienna)
If it is not possible for you at this time, you can also reach us by telephone at the following Telephone counselling times. Or you can send us a message with your sample code via our encrypted online counselling platform. We try to answer your message as soon as possible (within 1-2 working days), but in exceptional cases, or if your result is not yet available, it may take longer.

Drug checking at events

Drug checking at events
How does sample collection work at events?
You come to the checkit! tent with your substance and tell us what you would like to have tested. We need about 15mg of your substance (powder, crystals) or a few drops of the liquid or half a trip. If you would like to have a tablet analysed, you only need to rub off a very small amount and can take the rest back with you. You then put the sample in a small tube. We also ask you to answer a few anonymous questions about the sample. All data will help us with our research and the further development of our services. Your sample will be labelled with a number. You will later find the analysis result under this number on the results wall.
How long does the analysis take?
The analysis normally takes about 30 to 60 minutes. You can then check your result with your sample number.
How are the results announced?
Depending on the results of the analysis, the results are displayed on differently coloured notes on the results wall and stickers are added if necessary:
- "Expected result" (white label): Only expected substances were found in your sample (e.g. MDMA in an ecstasy sample).
- "Unexpected result" (yellow label): The sample additionally or exclusively contains another, unexpected active substance (e.g. caffeine in a speed sample).
- "Warning" (red label): The composition of the active substances or the active substance content is of particular concern to health. The sample contains, for example, three or more active substances or an unknown substance that cannot be identified at present.
- Sticker "High dosage": More active substance was found in your sample than would be expected on average (e.g. 180mg MDMA in an ecstasy sample).
- Sticker "Research Chemical": The sample contains a "new psychoactive substance". These have only recently come onto the market and are therefore often little researched. The risks and possible consequences of consumption are difficult or impossible to assess.
At the results wall, checkit! staff will provide you with more detailed information about the possible effects and risks of your sample and will also be available for further counselling.