21. July 2012

Attention!!! Pill with PMMA!!!

On 20 July, we tested a pill sold as ecstasy which, in addition to the active ingredient MDMA (112 mg) also contains the substance PMMA (53 mg) contains! Our Swiss colleagues from Safer Party already analysed a pill with the same appearance and content in June (Warning from Safer Party).

is converted in the body to PMA and leads to a sharp rise in body temperature and profuse sweating.
In higher doses and/or in combination with MDMA, there is a risk of life-threatening poisoning! You can find more information about PMMA here

For this reason, we strongly advise against taking these pills!

The pill is speckled green and has the logo: No. 1

Front page

Photo: checkit! (July 2012)


Photo: Safer Party (June 2012)

In addition to this pill, PMA/PMMA has also appeared in other pills in recent months!
You can find more information here.