17. December 2014

Current warnings December 2014 Part 2

Since the beginning of December, we have tested a number of substances of concern. In addition to numerous (very) high doses ecstasy tablets, we have again analysed several tablets sold as ecstasy, which other ingredients instead of/in addition to MDMA contained. In addition, the new synthetic substances Pentedron and Ethylon were identified as unexpected substances in suspected MDMA samples. In one sample submitted as 2C-I, we were able to identify 25C-NBOMe and 25I-NBOMethe new psychoactive substance 25H-NBOMe for the first time.


Under the following link, all samples that have been collected from 08.12.2014 to date at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern.

Current warnings December 2014 Part 2