8. February 2013

Methoxetamine sold as XTC!

During the last mission, we tested three tablets sold as ecstasy, which instead of MDMA contain the Research Chemical Methoxetamine contained. Methoxetamine is a ketamine derivative about whose risks, long-term effects and toxicity there is little or no scientific knowledge to date. The effect is similar to that of ketamine, but according to user reports it lasts longer and is very dose-dependent. Some users report an ecstasy-like effect shortly after taking the drug. The dissociative effect sets in later and rather abruptly - especially at higher doses. In August last year, a death was reported here in Vienna in connection with a methoxetamine overdose. The exact reasons for this have not been clarified, but deaths in connection with methoxetamine have also been reported in other European countries.

Due to these facts and because an unexpected dissociative effect can be very unpleasant under certain circumstances, we strongly advise caution: If you decide to use ecstasy despite the health and legal risks, have your tablets tested! If this is not possible, start slowly, don't add more immediately and avoid the additional consumption of other psychoactive substances!

Two tablets:

LogoSmiley (unfortunately difficult to recognise in the picture)

Backno breakage groove

Colour: white

Diameterapprox. 5.6 mm

Thicknessapprox. 5 mm

Ingredients:  Methoxetamine (62 mg and 25 mg)

Logo: not recognisable

Backno breakage groove

Colour: white

Diameter: 6,8 mm

Thickness: 3.7 mm

Ingredients: Methoxetamine (72 mg)

You can find further information on risk reduction at here!