Online survey on drug use and drug acquisition
We would like to invite you to take part in a scientific survey on the subject of substance use.
This survey is about your personal use of illegal substances and in particular about the way in which you obtain your substances and your relationship with those from whom you obtain them. Another part is about whether you have ever ordered substances via the internet or darknet.
This is the first German-language, purely scientific survey on this topic. By taking part in this survey, you will help our kind colleagues at the Centre For Drug Research in Frankfurt to understand the social relationships of drug users and the ways in which they obtain drugs. In this way, common perceptions about drugs and drug dealing can be scrutinised and contrasted. The survey does not include any questions about whether you have ever passed on or sold substances yourself.
Participation in the survey is completely anonymous, i.e. the CDR software does not store any of the participants' personal data or IP addresses. You will not be asked any questions whose answers allow any conclusions to be drawn about your person. If you wish, you can use additional anonymisation software (e.g. Tor browser).
This survey is part of a research project being conducted by the Centre for Drug Research at Goethe University Frankfurt.
If you have any questions for CDR, you will find an e-mail address on the homepage of the study.
Participation takes about 15 to 25 minutes.
You can take part in the study at the following link: