DMT is a very strong hallucinogen that can either be smoked or taken orally in combination with MAO inhibitors as "ayahuasca". When smoked, the effect occurs very quickly and lasts only a few minutes; when taken orally, the effect can last up to 8 hours. In both cases, very intense changes in perception can occur, which can sometimes be difficult to process and integrate into everyday life.


DMT is a fast-acting and short-acting hallucinogen with a strong psychoactive effect.

DMT causes a strong change in (sensory) perception. The strength of the effect depends on the dose. Particularly at high doses, acoustic (high-pitched chattering, crunching, comic-like, shrill noises) and in some cases haptic (affecting the sense of touch) hallucinations occur.

The DMT effect is characterised by the rapid succession of effects, as if in fast motion. The perception of time is greatly altered. A few minutes seem like hours. Consumers often experience a wide range of rapidly changing emotions such as euphoria, anxiety, panic and relaxation within a very short period of time. However, their ability to think qualitatively is not impaired. There may be a loss of body awareness (e.g. feeling of weightlessness, flying/falling).

As with all hallucinogens, the overall experience is more intense and, for some people, spiritual. The sense of self can change to such an extent that the subjective boundaries of one's own person become blurred. This can manifest itself in a feeling of strong connection with the world and people, but can also cause anxiety. The effect is also influenced by the physical and mental state of the individual person during the day as well as the consumption situation, the location and the social environment. DMT causes an acceleration of the pulse rate and increased blood pressure.

Hallucinogens cause a particularly intense experience that can also trigger anxiety. Not all users find it easy to process the impressive experience of the DMT effect and integrate it into everyday life. In some cases, there is disorientation during and after the peak of the effect and a feeling of loss of control. Mild headaches may occur after consumption.

The onset of action occurs after approx. 10-30 seconds. The actual effect lasts for approx. 5-20 minutes, followed by a phase of relaxation (30-60 minutes). This is used for the initial processing of the experience and "coming back" to the real world.
If DMT is consumed intramuscularly, the effect occurs somewhat later (after a few minutes), but it also lasts longer (approx. 1 hour). When consumed orally, the effect occurs after 30-60 minutes, the duration of action is extended to 2-6 hours.

A few hours after the initial consumption, a further intake of DMT is hardly effective. A quick "top-up" is therefore not advisable. Users report that the need for a second dose immediately after the first is very low.

Smoking can affect the respiratory tract and lungs. When consumed orally, the potion can cause nausea and vomiting.

In the brain, DMT acts on two different subtypes of 5-HT receptors, which are responsible for regulating the neurotransmitter serotonin. DMT therefore acts on 5-HT1a and 5-HT2 receptors. It causes an increase in blood pressure, a release of the hormone prolactin (which regulates mood, among other things) and an increase in the ACTH hormone. ACTH is released by the pituitary gland and is responsible for regulating blood sugar. It is often used in epilepsy therapy.

The likelihood of developing a physical or psychological dependence on DMT is very low.
Possible long-term effects are comparable to those of other hallucinogens. For example, the consumption of DMT can trigger mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia or similar disorders. Especially with frequent consumption and in people who are easily susceptible. It is difficult to determine in advance who is prone to mental illness.

  • Insecurity, fear or anxiety during consumption
  • If you are feeling bad (e.g. due to work, school, family, friends...) or you have physical problems. Hallucinogenic substances usually enhance your mood. Only use when you are feeling well
  • Mental illnesses
  • Pregnancy: Language and memory performance of the child can be impaired by the use of hallucinogens during pregnancy

If you consume DMT despite the health and criminal risks, please also note the following:

DMT should always Sitting or lying down be consumed. The onset of the effect can be very sudden. There is a risk that you may fall or knock over objects.

The oral intake of DMT is probably the Lowest-risk form consumption, as there is hardly any risk of contracting communicable diseases. In order for DMT consumed orally to have an effect, MAO inhibitors must also be consumed. MAO inhibitors also prevent the breakdown of other amines (e.g. dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin). The excess of these can impair the organism.

Smoking can affect the airways and lungs. DMT is usually smoked pure in a small pipe or with the addition of tobacco in a "DMT joint", whereby you inhale particularly deeply.

DMT intravenously or intramuscularly: There is a high risk of infection when using syringes. To protect yourself from HIV/AIDS or hepatitis B and C, you should always clean syringes and use fresh syringes. Use your own syringes and refrain from "needlesharing" (sharing syringes)!
Take advantage of free syringe exchange offers. In Vienna, this is possible, among other places, in facilities run by Suchthilfe Wien (Jedmayer, change).

In any case, you need a very small quantity DMT to achieve the desired effect. It is therefore difficult to estimate the correct dose. When smoking, however, it is easier to control, as you can tell whether you have had enough after just one inhalation. Dose carefully, especially when using intravenously or intramuscularly!

N,N- DMT (common scene names: DMT, Dimitri, Nigerin) is a white or yellow crystalline substance with a pungent odour. DMT belongs to the group of tryptamines, which generally have a brief but intense hallucinogenic effect. DMT is usually smoked, but can also be consumed intravenously and intramuscularly (injected directly into the muscle). When consumed orally, it has no effect without the additional consumption of MAO inhibitors. MAO inhibitors prevent the active substance from being broken down so that it can develop its full effect.

DMT is covered by the Narcotic Substances Act (=SMG). The acquisition, possession, import and export, transfer to and procurement for others (transfer and sale) are punishable by law. Consumers who violate the SMG must expect a mandatory visit to a public health officer (in Vienna: the outpatient centre of the Addiction and Drug Coordination). There, health-related measures may be ordered and a drug test may be expected. If you adhere to these guidelines, there will be no legal proceedings. Plants containing DMT are not covered by the SMG. However, the cultivation of plants containing DMT for the purpose of producing DMT is a criminal offence.

Status: July 2022