
Edibles" are edible cannabis products that contain THC and/or CBD. For example, in the form of sweets such as gummy bears and chocolate or as drinks.  

There are also edibles on the market that contain semi-synthetic or purely synthetic cannabinoids, for example. Their effect can be many times stronger than that of THC. 


When consuming edibles, the active ingredients are absorbed more slowly than when smoking. The effects occur later and last longer. This makes dosing more difficult. 

It is not clear from the packaging which active ingredients are actually present and in what quantity. This makes dosing and achieving the desired effect even more difficult. 

As many products are sold as sweets such as gummy bears or chocolate, there is a great risk of confusion. This poses a major risk for children in particular. 

!! Unwitting consumption can have serious health consequences !!!

If you decide to consume despite the health and legal risks, please note the following:

  • Consume only small amounts and wait for the effect (at least one hour).
  • Avoid mixed consumption with other psychoactive substances (including alcohol).
  • Do not consume alone.
  • Only consume when you are feeling well, in a place where you feel comfortable and with people you trust.
  • Look out for each other! Talk to friends if someone is not feeling well and don't hesitate to get help.
  • Keep the products out of reach of other people.

The legal situation regarding the sale of cannabis products is complex and depends on the ingredients contained, the form of distribution and other factors. Both the Narcotic Substances Act and the Foodstuffs Act must be observed, and in the case of synthetic cannabinoids, the new Psychoactive Substances Act may also apply.

If delta-9-THC is contained in a cannabis product, it must not exceed a content of 0.3%. In addition, requirements under food law must be observed.

In some countries, such as the USA, there are limits on the amount of THC per unit of consumption.

Status: 2023