14 September 2011

Attention !!! Life-threatening heroin sample analysed !

ChEck iT! analysed a heroin sample handed in today on 14 September, which was found to be Highly toxic and potentially life-threatening is to be classified. The analysis of the sample revealed the following ingredients:

Brucin (104mg/g),  Alprazolam, Paracetamol, caffeine, domperidone and 3 other unknown substances . The consumer reported a 17-hour "blackout" after consumption.
Brucine is a highly toxic alkaloid.
It is extracted from the nux vomica and acts as a powerful neurotoxin. The following symptoms, among others, are described:
Painful stiffness of the neck and back muscles and a Tightness in the chest, restlessness and shortness of breath. In severe cases, there is a sudden onset of agonising, typical Seizures with tension of the entire body musculature. By tensing the respiratory muscles, the Breathing is severely impaired, the skin turns a bluish colour, breathing is disturbed and eventually stops.
Death is usually caused by asphyxiation or exhaustion.
Benzodiazepines and medinzinal charcoal are administered as treatment for brucine poisoning.
Alprazolam is a drug from the benzodiazepine group with a medium duration of action that is used for the short-term treatment of anxiety and panic disorders.
It is therefore possible that the consumer only survived taking the alleged heroin due to the addition of alprazolam.
If you notice any of the symptoms described above after using heroin, call for help immediately!