The effects and duration of action depend on the dosage, frequency of use, set (person) and setting (environment) and can therefore vary considerably. The effects of cannabis can change the perception of time and intensify emotional states and perceptions. It can lead to an increased sense of well-being, heightened sensitivity, slight euphoria, cheerfulness or relaxation. At high doses, hallucinations may also occur (this happens mainly with oral consumption). The effects can be noticeable for 1 to 4 hours when smoked and 4 to 10 hours when consumed orally.

It usually causes an increase in heartbeat and pulse rate, reddening of the eyes and dry mouth. Some negative effects occur more frequently on first use, including dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Mental performance can be reduced during the acute effects of cannabis. This primarily affects memory, attention and concentration. The higher the dose, the more intense the side effects can be: circulatory problems, extremely heightened feelings and mild hallucinations. More rarely, paranoia and depressive moods can also occur.

Cannabis is usually smoked or consumed orally (e.g. eaten as an ingredient in biscuits). The active ingredients (especially THC) are absorbed via the lung mucosa when smoked and via the intestinal mucosa when consumed orally. Hundreds of different substances enter the body when cannabis is consumed (especially when smoked). The exact mechanisms of action have therefore only been partially researched to date. THC is transported in the bloodstream to all organs. Although most cannabis effects are only felt for a few hours, half of the THC absorbed is still in the blood after 20 hours.

THC binds to cannabinoid receptors, which are mainly located in the brain. These receptors control brain and body functions (including memory, perception of time, hunger, coordination and movement) that are influenced by cannabis consumption. In addition to THC, other cannabinoids also bind to such receptors and influence the effects of cannabis, e.g. cannabidiol (CBD). Recent findings show that CBD can reduce unpleasant after-effects (psychological symptoms). This means that cannabis varieties with too much THC and too little CBD can have more risks and side effects.

As cannabis smoke is generally inhaled more deeply and held in the lungs for longer than normal cigarette smoke, more harmful substances are absorbed into the lungs than with cigarettes (carbon monoxide and tar). Chronic smoking increases susceptibility to respiratory problems (e.g. bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia). Long-term daily use can lead to a reduction in activity, loss of motivation and loss of interest. Short-term memory may still be impaired 6 - 12 weeks after cessation of daily cannabis use. If cannabis is used very frequently (several times a day) over a longer period of time (months - years), it can happen that one loses control over the consumption partially or completely. This can lead to the development of psychological dependence.

  • lung disease and existing heart problems or heart disease, as THC puts additional strain on the heart and circulation.
  • For anxiety, depression or psychological problems, as cannabis can intensify these negative feelings.
  • THC reaches the foetus via the placenta and the baby via the mother's milk. Some studies show that pregnant women who regularly consume cannabis give birth to babies with a lower birth weight and smaller body size. Cannabis consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding should therefore be avoided.

Cannabis & ecstasy, speed, cocaine, LSD and magic mushrooms
Some users use cannabis to "come down" from stimulant drugs such as speed or ecstasy. However, mixed use puts even more strain on your body, prolongs the hangover after coming down and makes anxiety and terrifying hallucinations more likely.

Anyone who uses cannabis despite the health and legal risks should know the following in addition to the general rules on risk reduction:

  • When smoking you can reduce the risk of lung and respiratory diseases by using good filters or a vaporiser. Oral consumption is not harmful to the lungs.
  • For oral consumption the effect is delayed after a maximum of 1 hour. The effect is stronger and lasts longer than with smoking. This is why overdoses occur more frequently. So wait for the full effect before you think about "topping up".
  • If possible, only consume in your free time and when you feel good, as negative moods can be intensified.
  • THC affects your attention, memory and ability to concentrate. Therefore, if possible, avoid using it at work, school, when studying, driving, etc.

Cannabis is the umbrella term for hashish and marijuana. Both are made from the hemp plant. This contains hundreds of active ingredients, so-called cannabinoids. The main psychoactive ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Other cannabinoids include CBD and CBN. The THC concentration is particularly high in the resin of the female inflorescences. Hashish (dope, shit) is made from this resin. Marijuana (grass, ganja, weed) is a mixture of plant parts (leaves, flowers, stems). If hemp plants are cultivated with chemical agents (fertilisers, fungicides and pesticides), they may contain chemical residues.

Cannabis is the umbrella term for the hemp products hashish and marijuana. Hemp was used as a textile material 6000 years ago, and the psychotropic properties of cannabis have been known for just as long. As a sacred intoxicant, cannabis is dedicated to the god Shiva in Hinduism and is used in rituals and traditional Asian medicine as a sedative or anaesthetic. In Europe, Marco Polo first reported the use of the hemp plant as an intoxicant in the 13th century. In modern medicine, cannabis is becoming increasingly important, particularly in the treatment of glaucoma patients and to suppress nausea and stimulate appetite in cancer and AIDS patients.

Cannabis is covered by the Narcotic Substances Act. The acquisition, possession, import and export, transfer to and procurement for others (transfer and sale) are punishable by law. Consumers who violate the SMG must expect a mandatory visit to a public health officer (in Vienna: the outpatient centre of the Addiction and Drug Coordination). There, health-related measures may be ordered and a drug test may be expected. If you adhere to these guidelines, there will be no court proceedings. With cannabis, as with other illegal substances, there is no such thing as a small quantity for personal use that is legal and exempt from prosecution. According to the law, the police must always react, i.e. even small quantities will be reported to the police.

Status: 2012