Current warnings week 9-2021

In February 2021, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In addition to some (very) high-dose ecstasy tablets, many cocaine samples were found to contain the extender Levamisole detected. A sample submitted for analysis as MDMA the new psychoactive substance Clephedrone (4-CMC) on. In addition, the new psychoactive substance 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine was identified in two samples submitted for analysis as ketamine.

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 9 - 2021

Current warnings week 7-2021

In February 2021, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In addition to two (very) high-dose ecstasy tablets, two tablets submitted for analysis as 2C-B also contained a unknown substance .

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 7 - 2021

Current warnings week 5-2021

In January 2021, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In a sample submitted as cannabis, the synthetic cannabinoid MDMB-4en-PINACA found. A powder analysed as 3-methylethcathinone (3-MEC) contained another new psychoactive substance instead: 3-Chloroethcathinone (3-CEC).

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 5 - 2021

Current warnings KW 3-2021

In January 2021, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. One sample submitted as cannabis also contained the new synthetic cannabinoid MDMB-4en-PINACA on. In addition to 6-monoacetylmorphine, diacetylmorphine, morphine, noscapine and papaverine, caffeine, paracetamol, MDMA and two unknown substances were discovered in a powder submitted for analysis as heroin.

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 3 - 2021

Current warnings week 52-2020

In December 2020, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. One tablet submitted for analysis as ecstasy did not contain any MDMA, but only Caffeine detected. Two powders/crystals dispensed as MDMA showed Chlorpheniramine on. In addition, a speed/amphetamine sample contained a mixture of Caffeine and three unknown substances.

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 52 - 2020

Current warnings KW 50-2020

In December 2020, we tested a number of substances that pose a particular health risk. In what is known as 4-FMA tablet was instead the ingredient MDMA detected. A sample delivered as mephedrone contains, in addition to 3-MMC also a unknown substance.

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings KW 50 - 2020

Current warnings week 48-2020

In November 2020, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. While two powders/crystals submitted for analysis as MDMA no psychoactive active ingredient, two powders dispensed as 2C-B or 2C-P contained only MDMA detected. An alleged speed sample did not contain the expected amphetamine, but instead GHB.

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 48 - 2020

Current warnings week 46-2020

In November 2020, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In addition to the expected MDMA, a tablet submitted for analysis as ecstasy also contained Caffeine and the new psychoactive substance Pentylon was identified. In addition to amphetamine, a powder sold as speed also contained the stronger and longer-acting Methamphetamine proven.

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 46 - 2020

Current warnings week 44-2020

In October 2020, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In a sample submitted for analysis as speed/amphetamine, the new psychoactive substance 3-fluorophenmetrazine (3-FPM) was identified. In addition, a sample submitted as mephedrone (4-MMC) contained Clephedrone (4-CMC).

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 44 - 2020

Current warnings week 42-2020

In October 2020, we tested a number of substances that pose a particular health risk. In addition to some (very) high-dose ecstasy tablets, a sample provided as bath salts contained Caffeine, lidocaine and MDPV identified. In a tablet dispensed as ephedrine Caffeine was the only ingredient found.

Under the following link, all samples that have been collected since the last warnings until today at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 42 - 2020