!!!PMA found in XTC!!!
We have on 11 January Two pills sold as XTC analysed, which instead of the active ingredient MDMA contain, among other things, the substance PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) contained. The pills are yellow, with a logo on the front (bulldog - see picture) and have a Diameter from 7.7 mm. The tablets contained PMA still Caffeine and Amphetamine.
Approximately one hour after taking PMA blood pressure and body temperature rise suddenly and sharply. PMA consumers feel a strong lower dosage The person undergoes an alcohol-like state of intoxication, perceives hallucinogenic-like afterimages and abnormal body sensations such as tingling, numbness or furry skin, limbs falling asleep and similar effects.
PMA can cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and body temperature. The pulse begins to race, breathing becomes faster and at the same time heavier, the eyes move abruptly, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting can occur. The very sharp rise in body temperature can lead to organ failure with fatal consequence come.
If you experience these symptoms, please call the emergency services immediately (144)
!!! We strongly advise against the consumption of untested substances - and this pill in particular!!!
If, despite the increased health risks consume untested substances, test carefully and wait at least two hours before you "top up"!
Warnings November 2012
Since the beginning of November, checkit! has tested a number of substances that pose a health risk. The increased appearance of high-dose ecstasy tablets is currently particularly striking. At doses of over 1.5 milligrams of ecstasy (MDMA) per kilogramme of body weight in men and 1.3 per kilogramme of body weight in women, the negative effects of MDMA come to the fore and the likelihood of a harmful effect on the brain increases.
If you consume ecstasy despite the health and legal risks, follow the risk reduction instructions on our website here and here.
All samples analysed by checkit! in the period from 1 November 2012 to date and classified as high doses, unexpected or of particular health concern are presented in detail below.
Warnings and special results November 2012
Warnings September 2012
In the past month checkit! a number of substances of health concern were tested. Among other things, four samples brought for analysis as "speed" were again found to contain the as yet unexplored substance 4-Methylamphetamine identified. As several deaths have already occurred in connection with the consumption of 4-MA, we strongly advise against its use!
Under the following link, all samples that have been collected from 1 September to date at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern.
Warnings and special analysis results September 2012
Warnings August 2012
In August checkit! tested a number of substances that pose a health risk - including an alleged ecstasy tablet that instead of the active ingredient MDMA contained, among other things, the particularly harmful substance PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) in high doses. In March checkit! already tested 12 tablets with the same logo, which also PMA and one A variety of other substances (see https://checkit.wien/aktuelles/warnung-pma-in-ecstasy-pille/) were included.
In addition, we once again found the substance of particular concern in a substance delivered as speed 4-Methylamphetamine found. In connection with the consumption of 4-MA poisoning and deaths have already occurred in Europe.
In the following, all samples taken in August at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern.
!ATTENTION! PMA pills found again!!!
We have on 24 August a pill sold as XTC analysed, which instead of the active ingredient MDMA contain, among other things, the substance PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) contained. The pills are white (yellowed); there is a logo on the front (see picture). The tablet also contained a number of other substances: PMA (88mg) + Caffeine (19 mg) + Alpha -PPP (3 mg) + Mephedrone (trace) + Dimethylcathinone (trace )+ pFPP (track) + unknown substance (trace).
!!!Due to the large number of substances AND the active ingredient PMA, there is an increased risk of life-threatening poisoning!!!!
Approximately one hour after taking PMA blood pressure and body temperature rise suddenly and sharply. PMA consumers feel a strong lower dosage The person undergoes an alcohol-like state of intoxication, perceives hallucinogenic-like afterimages and abnormal body sensations such as tingling, numbness or furry skin, limbs falling asleep and similar effects.
PMA can cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and body temperature. The pulse begins to race, breathing becomes faster and at the same time heavier, the eyes move abruptly, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting can occur. The very sharp rise in body temperature can lead to organ failure with fatal consequence come.
If you experience these symptoms, please call the emergency services immediately (144)
!!! We strongly advise against the consumption of untested substances !!!
Warnings July 2012
Since the beginning of July 2012 checkit! tested a number of substances that pose a health risk. A particular warning had to be issued about a tablet sold as ecstasy, which, in addition to MDMA, also contained the particularly harmful substance PMMA contained.
PMMA is converted to PMA in the body and leads to a sharp rise in body temperature and heavy sweating. In higher doses and/or in combination with MDMA, there is a risk of life-threatening poisoning! Symptoms of an overdose may include: the pulse begins to race, breathing becomes faster and heavier at the same time, the eyes move abruptly, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting may occur. If you experience these symptoms, please call the emergency services immediately (144)! We strongly advise against the consumption of these pills! Further information on PMA/PMMA can be found at here.
The unexplored substance 4-Methylamphetamine was again divided into a total of eight speed samples identified. In one case in high doses. Poisoning and unexplained deaths have already occurred in Europe in connection with the consumption of 4-MA. It is therefore difficult to estimate how toxic the substance is and at what dosage it poses a serious health risk.
For this reason, we strongly advise against consumption!
In the following, all samples that have been submitted to the checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern.
Warnings and special results July 2012
4-Methylamphetamine in speed samples again!
For the first time in April (Warning from April 2012) warned of speed samples that contained 4-methylamphetamine in addition to amphetamine and caffeine. Since then, we have analysed a total of 14 speed samples that also contained 4-methylamphetamine; 8 samples in July alone!
4-Methylamphetamine (4-MA) is a hitherto very unexplored substance about which there is hardly any information. In connection with 4-MA, there were already reports last year of Poisonings or unexplained deaths in the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK. It is therefore difficult to estimate how toxic the substance is and in what dosage it poses a serious health risk.
For this reason, we strongly advise against the consumption of 4-MA!
If you decide to use psychoactive substances despite the health and legal risks, have your substances tested if possible! Due to the current situation, we can temporarily accept speed samples for analysis at our home base.
Please get in touch with us!
Attention!!! Pill with PMMA!!!
On 20 July, we tested a pill sold as ecstasy which, in addition to the active ingredient MDMA (112 mg) also contains the substance PMMA (53 mg) contains! Our Swiss colleagues from Safer Party already analysed a pill with the same appearance and content in June (Warning from Safer Party).
PMMA is converted in the body to PMA and leads to a sharp rise in body temperature and profuse sweating.
In higher doses and/or in combination with MDMA, there is a risk of life-threatening poisoning! You can find more information about PMMA here
For this reason, we strongly advise against taking these pills!
The pill is speckled green and has the logo: No. 1
Photo: checkit! (July 2012)
Photo: Safer Party (June 2012)
In addition to this pill, PMA/PMMA has also appeared in other pills in recent months!
You can find more information here.
Methadone sold as XTC
Our colleagues from Zurich have analysed a tablet that was sold as ecstasy but contained methadone! Methadone can be fatal for people who are not used to opiates! We strongly advise against the use of these tablets and do not mix them with alcohol, sleeping pills or other sedative substances, as this can have life-threatening consequences!
You can find more information about this pill here!
Attention! Pill with PMA again!
Our colleagues from Energy Control from Spain also analysed a pill last week that was bought as ecstasy but instead of the expected active ingredient MDMAthe active ingredients PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine), pFPP (para-fluorophenylpiperazine), dimethylcathinone, caffeine and an unknown substance has contained.
Approximately one hour after taking PMA blood pressure and body temperature rise suddenly and sharply. PMA consumers feel a strong lower dosage The person undergoes an alcohol-like intoxication, perceives hallucinogenic-like afterimages and abnormal body sensations such as tingling, numbness or furry skin, limbs falling asleep and similar effects.
PMA can cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and body temperature. The pulse begins to race, breathing becomes faster and at the same time heavier, the eyes move abruptly, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting can occur. The very sharp rise in body temperature can lead to organ failure with fatal consequence come.
para-Fluorophenylpiperazine (pFPP) belongs - like mCPP and TFMPP - belong to the group of phenylpiperazines. pFPP has a slightly euphoric effect and was therefore - like other piperazines - increasingly used as an ingredient in so-called "party pills".
Dimethylcathinone is a largely unexplored substance with a stimulating effect from the cathinone group. Due to the structural similarity to 4-methylmethcathinone, a similarity in the effect can be assumed.
We strongly advise against taking this pill!