Warnings June 2012

Since the beginning of June checkit! a number of substances of health concern were tested. In the In the following, all samples that have been collected from 1 June 2012 to date at checkit! analysed and have been classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern. (click link)

Current warnings and special results June 2012





Attention! PMA in "XTC pills"

According to media reports from the UK, there has been one death and four emergencies in connection with the consumption of "pink McDonald's pills" (see photo below). The pills are said to contain caffeine as well as PMA.

Our Berlin colleagues from the Autonomous drug information stand report that pills with the same appearance have also appeared in Berlin.

Consumption of these pills is strongly discouraged!

You can find more current pill warnings with PMA/PMMA here and here.

Further information on PMA/PMMA can be found at here.



Attention! Pill with PMMA + MDMA

For the first time in Switzerland, our colleagues from Zurich have organised a XTC pill analysed, which in addition to MDMA also PMMA contained. The effective dose of PMMA is lower than that of MDMA and the effect sets in later. Due to the absence of the expected psychological effect, there is a risk that it will be topped up. PMMA is converted to PMA in the body and leads to an increase in blood pressure and a sharp rise in temperature with excessive sweating. In high doses, the very sharp rise in body temperature can also lead to organ failure with fatal consequences. Further information on PMA you will find here.

You can find detailed information about this pill at Safer Party here.

We strongly advise against taking these pills!


Also checkit! last analysed 12 pills purchased as XTC containing PMA (and 8 other substances) in March 2012! You can find more information about these pills here.




Warnings May 2012

Since the beginning of May checkit! a number of substances that pose a health risk. Once again
4-Methylamphetamine (4-MA) in combination with other substances in as Speed samples sold identified. As there is no evidence in connection with the consumption of 4-MA poisoning and deaths have already occurred in Europe, we strongly advise against Consumption off!

In addition to alleged ecstasy tablets, which contained unexpected substances in addition to MDMA, a particularly large number of cocaine samples were analysed, which had to be warned against due to various admixtures. All samples analysed in the period from 1 May 2012 to date are listed below. checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or were classified as being of particular health concern.

Warnings and special results May 2012





Warnings April 2012

Since the beginning of April, we have  tested a number of samples that contained substances of health concern. contained substances. For the first time, the substance 4-Methylamphetamine - among others ingredients - identified in four samples submitted for analysis as Speed (for more information, see here).
In the following, all samples collected from the beginning of April to date at checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern.

Current warnings and special results April 2012


Attention! 4-Methylamphetamine in speed samples!

During the last drug checking mission, we analysed four samples that were handed in as "speed" and contained, among other things, phenethylamine 4-Methylamphetamine (4-MA) contained. In connection with 4-methylamphetamine (4-MA), there were already reports last year of Poisonings or unexplained deaths in the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK. Two further deaths have just been reported in Belgium in connection with the consumption of 4-methylamphetamine (4-MA). The substance has now been identified by us for the first time in four samples. In addition to 4-methylamphetamine (24 mg/g), one sample also contained amphetamine (95 mg/g), caffeine (65 mg/g) and ephedrine (16 mg/g). The remaining three samples are currently being re-analysed - the exact results will follow shortly.

4-MA is a hitherto very unexplored substance about which there is hardly any information. It is therefore difficult to estimate how toxic the substance is and in what dosage it poses a serious health risk. For this reason, we strongly advise against the consumption of 4-MA!

If you decide to use psychoactive substances despite the health and legal risks, have your substances tested if possible! Due to the current situation, we can temporarily accept psychoactive substances in powder form for analysis at our home base.
Please get in touch with us!


Warnings March 2012 - Part 2

Since the beginning of March checkit! a range of substances that are harmful to health tested. Two warnings have already been published in this regard (see here). All further rehearsals, which will be analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern are presented in detail below.

Warnings March 2012 Part 2





Warnings March 2012

Since the beginning of March we have a range of substances that are harmful to health tested. Apart from the tablets sold as ecstasy, which contained a large number of other substances in addition to the particularly harmful substance PMA (see here)are a series of other tablets with unexpected and questionable ingredients were handed in. All samples that have been handed in from 1 March to date at checkit! analysed and were classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern, you will find a detailed description here.



PMA warnings March 2012

As already reported in our last warning article, on 16/17 March we analysed a total of 12 pills sold as ecstasy, which instead of the active ingredient MDMA contained, among other things, the particularly harmful substance PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) contained. Photos of the analysed pills as well as detailed information on the analysed pills and their other ingredients can be found at here.

!!!Due to the large number of substances AND the active ingredient PMA, there is an increased risk of life-threatening poisoning!!!!

According to our information, there are probably more of these pills in circulation.
We therefore strongly advise against the consumption of untested substances!!!


!!! Warning!!! PMA in ecstasy pills!!!

We have on 16 March 12 pieces of pill sold as XTCanalysed, which instead of the active ingredient MDMA contain, among other things, the substance PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) contained. The pills are white (yellowed) and have pink and brown speckles; there is a logo on the front. The tablets also contained a large number of other substances (4-MEC, alpha PPP, mephedrone, pFPP, caffeine and two other substances).

!!!Due to the large number of substances AND the active ingredient PMA, there is an increased risk of life-threatening poisoning!!!!

According to our information, there are probably more pills in circulation!


Approximately one hour after taking PMA blood pressure and body temperature rise suddenly and sharply. PMA users feel a strong lower dosage The person undergoes an alcohol-like state of intoxication, perceives hallucinogenic-like afterimages and abnormal body sensations such as tingling, numbness or furry skin, limbs falling asleep and similar effects.

PMA can cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and body temperature. The pulse begins to race, breathing becomes faster and at the same time heavier, the eyes move abruptly, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting can occur. The very sharp rise in body temperature can lead to organ failure with fatal consequence come.

If you experience these symptoms, please call the emergency services immediately (144)

!!! We strongly advise against the consumption of untested substances !!!


You can find more information about PMA here!