Attention !!! Life-threatening heroin sample analysed !

ChEck iT! analysed a heroin sample handed in today on 14 September, which was found to be Highly toxic and potentially life-threatening is to be classified. The analysis of the sample revealed the following ingredients:

Brucin (104mg/g),  Alprazolam, Paracetamol, caffeine, domperidone and 3 other unknown substances . The consumer reported a 17-hour "blackout" after consumption.
Brucine is a highly toxic alkaloid.
It is extracted from the nux vomica and acts as a powerful neurotoxin. The following symptoms, among others, are described:
Painful stiffness of the neck and back muscles and a Tightness in the chest, restlessness and shortness of breath. In severe cases, there is a sudden onset of agonising, typical Seizures with tension of the entire body musculature. By tensing the respiratory muscles, the Breathing is severely impaired, the skin turns a bluish colour, breathing is disturbed and eventually stops.
Death is usually caused by asphyxiation or exhaustion.
Benzodiazepines and medinzinal charcoal are administered as treatment for brucine poisoning.
Alprazolam is a drug from the benzodiazepine group with a medium duration of action that is used for the short-term treatment of anxiety and panic disorders.
It is therefore possible that the consumer only survived taking the alleged heroin due to the addition of alprazolam.
If you notice any of the symptoms described above after using heroin, call for help immediately!


Current warnings August 2011

Out of a total of 43 substances tested in August ChEck iT! 15 years ago because of ingredients that are particularly harmful to health warn: besides tablets sold as ecstasy, which contained other psychoactive substances instead of MDMA, cocaine samples had to be warned first and foremost because of various ingredients. A detailed description of the warnings can be found here.


Butylone found in XTC tablet !

Our colleagues from Safer Party in Switzerland recently tested an ecstasy tablet which, in addition to MDMA in high doses also Butylon (bk-MBDB) contained. The tested tablet is white and has the "VW" symbol on the front. Butylone falls into the group of research chemicals, which means that there is hardly any information about its effects and possible risks. In addition, interactions can hardly be assessed. The exact description of the tablet and information about the substances can be found at here.

If you have a pill that looks like this and decide to take it despite the health risks, have the tablet analysed beforehand!


PMMA in various legal highs

In Spain, the Red Doves - one sold as "legal high product - a worrying mixture of substances was analysed. The light pink tablet (see photo) contained two research chemicals (Fluoroamphetamine/4-FA) and Methylenedioxy-alpha-pyrrolidinopropiophenone/MDPPP) also Para-metoxymethamphetamine (PMMA) found.

PMMA is an amphetamine derivative which, even at low doses, can lead to overdoses and subsequently to life-threatening conditions can lead to a loss of colour. You can find more information on PMMA here.

The latest PMMA report in Spain is unfortunately just one more of similar warnings issued earlier in the year. In Scotland, PMMA has so far been detected in the following "Legal High" products: "E=XTC", "Mind Candy", "Xtacy ULTRA", "Doves Red" and "Doves Red Ultra".

If you own a product with one of these names, we generally advise against consuming it. If you decide to consume it - despite the health risks - we recommend that you have the product analysed beforehand. Due to the increased health risk, we are temporarily accepting corresponding products for analysis in the home base. For this please come to Wednesday during the Homebase opening hours (15:00-18:00) over.


Current warnings July 2011

Check iT! tested a number of allegedly psychoactive substances during the last event: several samples had to be analysed due to unexpected or particularly harmful ingredients be warned. A Detailed description of the samples you will find here.


Current warnings June 2011 (Part 2)

ChEck iT! at the last event on 17 and 18 June 2011. 84 samples of alleged psychoactive substances. A number of samples had to be cancelled due to unexpected and/or ingredients of particular concern to health be specially warned. A detailed description of the warnings and the unexpected results can be found here. Unfortunately without photos this time due to a technical problem;-( Sorry!

Current warnings June 2011 (Part 1)

A busy event weekend lies behind us. At the last event, we organised a total of 148 samples  of supposedly psychoactive substances. Before a number of samples were taken, we had to stop testing due to various ingredients and substance mixtures that are harmful to health warn. The exact description of the tablets of particular concern and a description of the other warnings can be found here.


Warning from Norway: PMMA in XTC !

A large quantity of ecstasy tablets was confiscated in Norway. In addition to small amounts of MDMA and methamphetamine, the tablets contained a substance that is particularly dangerous to health PMMA (para-methoxymethamphetamine).

All tablets are pink and have a crown logo on the front. There is a fracture groove on the back.

Since July 2010, 16 deaths have been reported in Norway in connection with PMMA consumption - the last four cases in the spring of this year. In most cases, PMMA appears to have been the cause of death. In Austria, too, there has already been one death in connection with PMMA consumption this year (see news item from 9 March 2011).

The risk of overdosing is very high with PMA/PMMA, as the psychoactive effect starts later and is also less pronounced than the expected effects after MDMA consumption at the same dosage (you can find more information on effects on our homepage under substances). The only reliable way to find out the ingredients of a tablet is to have the pill analysed. If this is not possible, test carefully - i.e. only consume small amounts and allow several hours to pass before topping up!


Current warnings March 2011

ChEck iT! has organised a series of events at the last event on 10.03.2011. substances of health concern tested. Among other things, two years ago Tablets sold as ecstasy be warned. Also three samples sold as speed  were categorised as being of particular health concern, as other psychoactive substances were identified in addition to amphetamine. Two warnings were also issued due to powder passed off as "cocaine". posted. Both samples contained - as is now unfortunately not uncommon - levamisole and phenacetin, among other things. You can find a detailed description of all the warnings and the unexpected ingredients here here.


Death in connection with PMMA !

Death in connection with PMMA

ChEck iT! repeatedly warns of substances that are particularly harmful to health, such as a sample sold as speed in January 2011, which contained PMA and bk-MBDB instead of amphetamine.

As has only now become known, in January 2011 there was an accident in Austria. Death in connection with PMMA
The white powder was probably as Speed purchased in Vienna and consumed nasally and contained, in addition to PMMA also 3',4'-Methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone (MDPBP), a substance that was found in Austria for the first time.

Recently, there have been repeated warnings about PMA and PMMA; in autumn 2010, several deaths were reported in Norway in connection with PMMA, in the Netherlands tablets containing PMMA were seized in November and Check iT! last analysed a speed sample containing PMA in January 2011, as mentioned above. So: PMA/PMMA can be found both in powder and in tablets.

Unfortunately, this shows once again that it is really important to have your substances tested! If this is not possible, test carefully, i.e. consume only small amounts and allow several hours to pass before topping up!!!

You can find information on PMA/PMMA on our homepage under Substances / Synthetic drugs!