Current warnings KW 21 - 2022

In May 2022, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. One sample submitted for analysis as "speed" contained amphetamine as well as Ketamine. In a sample submitted as MDMA, instead of the expected one unknown substance were detected. In one sample submitted as heroin, in addition to the expected ingredients Caffeine, paracetamol and one unknown substance analysed. In a sample submitted for analysis as cannabis, the synthetic cannabinoid MDMB-4en-PINACA .

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings KW 21-2022



Current warnings week 19 - 2022

At the end of April / beginning of May 2022, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In addition to the expected MDMA, a tablet submitted for analysis as ecstasy also contained Mephedrone (4-MMC) and Caffeine detected. Two samples submitted as cannabis contained the synthetic cannabinoid MDMB-4en-PINACA on. A sample delivered as mephedrone (4-MMC) contained the new psychoactive substance Clophedron (3-MMC).

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 19-2022



Current warnings week 17 - 2022

In April 2022, we tested a number of substances that pose a particular health risk. Among other things, several high-dose ecstasy tablets were analysed. In addition to LSD, one sample submitted as LSD contained a unknown substance. A sample submitted as mephedrone instead contained Clophedrone (3-CMC). In addition to the expected ingredients, two heroin samples also contained Caffeine, paracetamol and an unknown substance was detected. In a tablet delivered as 2C-B, only Ketamine was found. In addition to methoxetamine (MXE), one sample submitted as methoxetamine (MXE) also contained Hydroxetamine (HXE) .

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 17-2022

Current warnings KW 15 - 2022

In April 2021, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. One tablet dispensed as ecstasy contained Clophedrone (3-CMC), caffeine and one unknown substance. In a cannabis sample, the synthetic cannabinoid MDMB-4en-PINACA be proven, in another Cumyl-CH-MeGaClone. An MDMA sample instead contained the new psychoactive substance Clephedrone (4-CMC).

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings KW 15-2022

Current warnings week 13 - 2022

In March 2022, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In a ketamine sample, the new psychoactive substance Deoxymethoxetamine (DMXE) identified. A sample submitted as mephedrone (4-MMC) instead contained Clophedrone (3-CMC).

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings week 13-2022

Current warnings KW 11 - 2022

At the beginning of March 2022, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In addition to the expected MDMA, a tablet submitted for analysis as ecstasy also contained the new psychoactive substance Clephedrone (4-CMC) found. In two samples submitted as cannabis, the synthetic cannabinoid Cumyl-CH-MeGaClone identified.

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings KW 11-2022

Current warnings week 9 - 2022

At the end of February 2022, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In some samples submitted for analysis as cocaine, one or more extenders such as Levamisole detected. In two samples submitted as heroin, instead of the expected ingredients Caffeine, paracetamol and one unknown substance detected. And a sample submitted as cannabis contained a unknown substance.

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings KW 9-2022



Current warnings week 7 - 2022

In February 2022, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. In a sample submitted as MDMA, the new psychoactive substance Pentylon was detected. One sample submitted as MMC contained instead 3-MeO-PCE. Two samples submitted as mephedrone (4-MMC) instead contained once Clophedrone (3-CMC) and once Clephedrone (4-CMC). In a hashish sample, the synthetic cannabinoid ADB-BUTINACA detected, one cannabis sample contained a unknown substance.

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings KW 7-2022

Current warnings week 5 - 2022

In January 2022, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. Instead of MDMA, one ecstasy tablet contained Amphetamine and Caffeine. A sample passed off as LSD contained instead of LSD a unknown substance. A sample submitted as heroin showed two unknown substances .

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings KW 5-2022

Current warnings week 3 - 2022

In January 2022, we tested a number of substances of particular health concern. A powder dispensed as etizolam contained the long-acting benzodiazepine Flubromazepam. In a sample submitted as methamphetamine, the phenethylamine 2C-B proven.

In the following, all samples that have been taken since the last warnings to date by checkit! analysed and classified as high-dose, unexpected or of particular health concern: Current warnings KW 3-2022